Financial Audit







We are addressing you as financial auditors, members of the Chamber of Financial Auditors in Romania, having a relevant experience in the financial audit activity since 2003 and up to now.

Our pragmatic and objective advice will help you understand the risks you face in developing your business in today's complex business environment. We focus on the important issues of each client, adapt our audit procedures to client's operations and identify the areas of risk in his/her business area. The audit team members are trained to make our assessments always clear, objective and relevant to our customers' business.

We use our technical and business expertise in various business sectors to ensure that the conducted audits, according to the professional standards, provide support to the financial information users.

The audit, management and consulting services are provided by a professional, young, innovative, competent and experienced team.

Our Audit Services offer includes:

  • Financial audit of projects with non-reimbursable financing
  • Statutory audit of the individual annual financial statements and the consolidated annual financial statements, according to law
  • Audit of the individual annual financial statements and of the consolidated annual financial statements of the entities of public interest, according to law
  • Limited audits and services related to financial audit
  • Translation (restatement) of financial statements under IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)
  • Internal Audit
  • Financial/Accounting Management
  • Financial/Accounting Consultancy
  • Domain Professional training 
audit financiar consultanta fiscala contabilitate business management financial audit fiscal advisory accounting

"We are financial auditors, members of CAFR, we have a relevant experience in conducting financial audit in all sectors of activity. We focus on the important issues of each client, adapt the audit procedures to the client's operations and identify the risks in his/her area of activity. The audit team members are professional, young, innovative, competent, experienced and trained to provide clear, objective solutions that are relevant to our clients' business. Due to our accumulated experience, we have the capacity to perform any financial audit mission under the International Standards on Auditing and the national regulations in place by providing high-quality audit services. "

Profesional Audit

Nr. ORC: J16 /59 /2003
CUI: 15157616

Business Market

Nr. ORC: J16 /1093 /2012
CUI: 30424903


Financial Audit
Fiscal Advisory and Expertise
Accounting and Accounting Expertise
Related Services
Problem Solving
Invest in Romania


Tel: +40744634844
Tel: +40729122542
Fax: +40251466730
Mai mult


Str. Mitropolit Nifon Criveanu, nr. 3
Craiova, Romania